Since 2006 I am an active blogger (now in the age group M70, which is not necessarily typical). It started with my konzeptblog with current news and opinions. In the meantime it has grown to several websites about my current interests, especially Digital Art for computer art, and Opticals with a growing collection of interactive optical illusions. Besides that I still have time for photography, collecting Macs, animated movies and nice non-fiction books.
Professional background: Studies: First biology, degree in biology (1974), then supplementary studies in educational science, doctorate in social science (1981), University of Tübingen. From 1975 I worked at the Institute for the Pedagogy of Science (IPN, Kiel), the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Tübingen, the Society for Mathematics and Data Processing (GMD, Sankt Augustin), the German Institute for Distance Learning Research (DIFF, Tübingen) and from 2001 – 2012 as a research associate at the Institute for Knowledge Media (Tübingen); since then private scholar. Thematic focus: Media didactics, didactic design and educational technology, specifically: use of the computer or digital media in imparting knowledge and as a tool in problem solving as well as in processing information. Development of applications in education (CBTs, simulations and modeling systems, extensive learning and information systems with high interactivity and functionality). Projects and products: Project management for several third-party funded projects (publishing cooperation, state, federal, EU), including Teaching and Learning with Computers (study materials for teacher training), MODUS: Modeling and Simulation (publishing cooperation), HyperDisc: Multimedia Learning and Working Environment (CD-ROM, use in continuing education, field and laboratory research), KMMT: the Competence Center for Multimedia and Telematics (MWK Baden-Württemberg). 2003 – 2012 e-teaching.org: an information portal for university teachers (Bertelsmann Foundation, Nixdorf Foundation, BMBF). Several publications, including four books, nine study letters, and nine edited volumes, as well as 23 program or multimedia developments. Activities: Member of various scientific advisory boards (e.g. BLK distance learning project New Educational Media, LOG IN magazine); participation as designated representative of the Federal Republic in UNESCO, NATO and OECD workshops on educational issues; juror of the Multimedia Transfer Prize; expert for the funding programs „New Media in Education“ (BMBF), „Virtual Campus“ (Switzerland), „New Media in Teaching at Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences“ (Austria). Initiation and implementation of relevant conferences, workshops and training events. Member of program committees of international scientific conferences. Lectureships at universities, universities of applied sciences and as industrial lecturer. Supervision of diploma students and interns in relevant fields. Active in the Society for Media in Science (GMW) as organizer of the annual conference 1999, member of the board 2003 – 2006, scientific director MEDIDA-PRIX 2004 – 2006 and from 2006 – 2008 member of the editorial board of the series „Media in Science“. Appointed GMW Fellow in 2012, GMW Honorary Member in 2014.