How much Snap!/CS does an artist need? (2020): The Snap!shot 2020 conference on 12th December 2020 was an online event. In my Lightning Talk How Much CS Does an Artist Need? (in the video 9:00 – 17:00) I gave some animated examples to show how more in-depth knowledge helps to realize challenging works.
Programming for All! A Problem-Based Approach (2019): The 1st international conference of the Snap! community SnapCon19 took place in Heidelberg from 22-25 September 2019. I participated with the presentation Programming for All! (this is a revised version of the presentation). The resulting artefacts were very well received, also at the evening event, where some examples were exhibited.
Malmaschinen (2017): Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Roboter im Stadtmuseum Tübingen 2017 habe ich einen Vortrag zum Thema Eine kleine Geschichte der Malmaschinen gehalten. Der Bogen reichte von mechanischen Hilfswerkzeugen bis zur Bilderzeugung mit neuronalen Netzen. Die Seite Malmaschinen ist eine Verschriftlichung dieses Vortrags. Wer die Videoaufzeichnung vorzieht, kann diese hier in vier Teilen abspielen (Dank an Wilfried Kramer für die ruhige Handkamera!).
Recoding & Remixing Computer Art (2017): I participated the 10th International Scratch
Conference, Bordeuax 2017. I gave a presentation Recoding & Remixing Computer Art (this is a revised version of the presentation). I presented a pre-release version of my book, the motivation, the concept and the current status, supplemented with typical picture examples. This was supplemented by the poster Recoding & Remixing Computer Art and interactive examples.
Recoding of early computer art (2015): At the Scratch2015AMS Conference in Amsterdam 2015 I presented the considerations for my book Codierte Kunst. The presentation Scratch2015 shows the preliminary concept.